There are certain problems with most of these songs though (at least from a feminist point of view) in that these songs represent the controlling women as dangerous psychopaths: Katy Perry is a defiled woman on the warpath in Dark Horse while the entire point of Blank Space is that it’s central character is an unrepentant psychopath. Taylor Swift’s Blank Space is perhaps the most obvious example, though the themes can also be seen in such songs at Katy Perry’s Dark Horse, among many others. The image of the man-eating powerful woman has actually become a common topic used in many pop songs. They are literally stating an open intent to do everything that men are scared women will do. Which, of course, makes Little Mix’s Black Magic into a feminist reclamation of that archetype.īlack Magic is about women who are going to use their “magic” and “potions” (metaphors for their sexuality and femininity) to seduce objects of their affection and make them fall in love with them. The dominant message of stories featuring witches is that women are creatures who try to control men and deserve punishment for doing so. This is why witches also have a tendency to disguise themselves as beautiful young women when in reality they’re old and warty: because women might look sweet and innocent but in reality they’re dangerous, hideous things who need control. Witches are women with the power to control and sabotage the lives of men, their mystical properties giving them the ability to dominate men and their very existences. The magic of witches is thus metaphorical for their attractive feminity which is seen as inherently deceptive and dangerous to men. In particular, they’re ugly and/or old women. So what do witches represent that society is so scared off? Witches have existed for centuries our fear of them must be pretty deep rooted.
#Meaning of black magic little mix series#
With their sudden changes, increase of hair and periodic mood swings, werewolves are common metaphors for the onset of puberty (hence films like Teen Wolf and their use in series in Twilight, etc) killer artificial intelligences are metaphors for the diminishing importance of humanity in increasingly technological worlds Dracula is a foreigner who can’t be trusted and is coming to ruin everything for everyone. This is why a society’s monsters have a tendency to be metaphors for whatever that society is scared of at the time.
#Meaning of black magic little mix crack#
Don’t masturbate or you’ll go blind don’t step on a crack else you’ll break your mother’s back etc (apparently at one point, someone really hated crazy paving). These stories are focussed largely on defining what you shouldn’t do rather than what you should the easiest way to make someone not do something being to link that thing to something horrible and nasty.

Of course, horror stories fit well into this type of storytelling. Mythologies and religions work the same way: what is the point of religious stories if not to back-up their ideologies through examples of people who benefited from them/suffered for not following them? Hansel and Gretel tells people not to be greedy, not to enter strangers’ houses and to be suspicious of things which seem too good to be true.

WHO WANTS TO OVER ANALYSE SOMETHING?!įairy tales are largely a method of societal control which sell certain sets of morals and assumptions through the form of narrative. While researching Black Magic by Little Mix, I found a review of it written by Marcus Floyd which said that “it’s fun and catchy, and there’s no need to over analyse it.” No need to over analyse it, Marcus? That sounds like a challenge. Yes, I do realise that I’m running very behind schedule. This year, I’ve challenged myself to write a review of every song that manages to get to No.